Dear New Vendor

We are delighted that you have visited marketplace. Apart from giving you an opportunity to buy quality products we also offer a marketplace, booking services, and website development services.


Opening a shop allows you to:

  • Have a web page without the costs of making and managing websites.
  • Get information systems expertise from our support team.
  • Use your store link to promote your products on social media campaigns, email campaigns and newsletters. Just copy and paste the link where you want to use it.
  • advertise your products.
  • Use social media to promote your products
  • Use Monthly newsletter facilities that are heavily promoted internationally.
  • For products that require posting make sure to enter the dimensions and weight of the parcels so customers can be charged postage automatically.

Familiarize with your vendor dashboard as this is where most of your activities are based. Complete your registration form with as much detail as possible and complete google map details.

Read our terms and conditions. They will give you a guideline of how we conduct business. We have a separate page with instructions of how to post.


Pay pal online bank handles our finances and will make payments to your nominated bank after a sale. This is very important to us as it makes your online transactions secure. As a result a 15% fee is applicable per item sold through our PayPal payment system. It is advisable that you also open a PayPal account to make payments to you earlier when your products are sold but it is not compulsory. PayPal can pay your proceeds in to your nominated bank account.

Once again thank you for visiting we are here if you need any support

Director: Zishopu Worldwide

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